-The picture was taken in Firenze
Hello! I'm Shinwoo An (안신우, 安信愚), a fourth-year (Integrated) Ph.D. student in School of Computer Science and Engineering in POSTECH, advised by Prof. Eunjin Oh.
My research interests lie in (geometric) graph algorithms.
In the field of exact algorithms, I'm interested in improving the well-known algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm and the depth-first search algorithm when the input graphs have geometric information.
In the field of approximation algorithms, I'm interested in polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for several combinatorial optimization problems, such as the TSP and min-cost perfect matching, when the input graph is embedded in a metric space.
I'm also interested in other areas of graph algorithms.
Here, you can see my CV. (Last updated in December, 2024)